Tax Resolution Services

Our Tax Resolution Process

Tax resolution services are designed to help individuals and businesses navigate disputes and issues with tax authorities, such as the IRS.


Let's Talk

A friendly conversation in person or phone call to see if we are the right firm for you.



We review your IRS account and let you know what your options are.



We develop a plan that resolves your case as quickly and cost effectively as possible.



Problem solved. Your tax problems are over. You have financial peace of mind.

Tax Resolution Scenarios

At Shepard Tax Settlement, we specialize in resolving complex tax issues with expert precision and care. Our comprehensive services include tax preperation, resolution, mediation, and settlement, tailored to meet the unique needs of both individuals and businesses. Whether you're facing an IRS audit, tax debt, or need proactive tax planning, we are here to provide the support and solutions you need. Look through the scenarios below to see everything we cover and our process. Contact us when you are ready to begin!

Unpaid taxes accrue penalties and interest, increasing your debt and leading to possible IRS liens or levies. These can be financially devastating but are often avoidable. Contact us today to assess your options and negotiate a payment plan with the IRS.

A bank levy freezes your accounts, preventing withdrawals or bill payments, and you have 21 days to respond to the IRS after receiving a Notice of Levy. If you act quickly, we may be able to revoke the levy and negotiate a favorable payment arrangement. Contact us to compile and forward the necessary information to the IRS.

If paying your tax debt causes undue financial hardship, you may qualify for Currently Not Collectible (CNC) status, halting IRS collections though possibly still facing a lien. Qualifying requires proving you can't pay your debt after living expenses or by liquidating certain assets. We know IRS rules and will handle the paperwork, emphasizing your eligibility and working towards a permanent resolution.

You may qualify for Injured Spouse Relief if the IRS uses your joint refund to offset your spouse's past-due debts like taxes, child support, or student loans. This relief is different from Innocent Spouse Relief, which applies when you’re co-responsible but not liable for the debt. If you lose your refund due to your spouse's debt, we can help you get your money back by examining your case and determining your eligibility for Injured Spouse Relief or other IRS programs.

Many married taxpayers file jointly, sharing liability for taxes, interest, and penalties, even if only one spouse earned the income or claimed improper deductions. If the IRS holds you accountable for your spouse’s fraud or negligence, we can help determine if you qualify for Innocent Spouse Relief or other tax relief programs. Contact us to negotiate the best outcome with the IRS.

An IRS audit reviews your accounts to ensure correct reporting, and ignoring it can result in the IRS filing your return, leading to higher payments. An audit is serious, but with experienced help, most tax issues can be resolved. We are qualified to represent you before the IRS, often saving you many times the cost of representation while quickly closing the audit.

Levies and liens serve distinct purposes: a lien secures the government's interest in your property for tax debt, while a levy involves seizing and selling your property to satisfy that debt. If you don't settle your tax liability, the IRS can levy and sell your assets, including retirement accounts and your home. If you've received a Notice of Intent to Levy, contact us immediately to appeal and negotiate a payment plan before the levy takes effect.

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) grants you the right to access your IRS file, a crucial step in resolving tax issues. Understanding what the IRS knows and doesn't know is important. We'll discreetly request your information from the IRS, assess your tax liability, and explain it in simple terms while recommending effective actions to resolve your tax concerns.

An offer in compromise lets you settle your tax debt for less than the full amount owed if paying in full would cause financial hardship. The IRS approves offers that represent the maximum collectible amount over a reasonable period, but it's not suitable for everyone. We'll assess your financial situation to determine eligibility and, if necessary, recommend alternative payment options to resolve your tax debt effectively.

Falling out of compliance with IRS payroll regulations can devastate your business and personal finances. Violating payroll tax rules can lead to IRS action against your personal assets, even in bankruptcy. If you've received IRS correspondence regarding payroll issues, seek experienced representation immediately to resolve your payroll tax issues and keep your business running smoothly.

Penalties and interest on your original tax debt can quickly escalate your total liability, including penalties for late filing, late payment, and negligence. If you're struggling with unpaid taxes, we can assist you in seeking abatement for certain penalties, especially if there was no willful neglect. Many taxpayers without prior IRS issues may qualify for a first-time penalty waiver, and while interest charges are generally not waived, there are provisions for interest suspension in cases of IRS error. We'll review your tax situation to identify opportunities for penalty and interest relief.

A seizure occurs when the IRS levies your property, potentially taking items like your car, boat, jewelry, and even your home to auction for unpaid taxes. If you've been notified of asset seizure, you still have legal rights, and we can guide you through options like Offer in Compromise, Innocent Spouse Relief, or Currently Not Collectible status if you're in financial distress. If your property has already been seized, we can request an Asset Levy Release to potentially recover your possessions—contact us today for more information.

The Statute of Limitations sets time frames for tax-related actions, allowing the IRS three years to audit your return or issue a refund and ten years to collect after a tax is assessed. Certain payment arrangements can suspend this ten-year period, adding extra time once the suspension ends. We have the expertise to guide you on when the Statute of Limitations expires and advise the best course of action, as filing for certain statuses or payment plans can sometimes do more harm than good.

Many issues can arise between taxpayers and the IRS, including audits, liens, and wage garnishments, putting your future and reputation at stake. Handling these issues alone can be time-consuming and may lead to worse outcomes. We are uniquely qualified to resolve your tax problems and represent your best interests before the IRS and other tax authorities.

A wage levy occurs when the IRS instructs your employer to send part of your paycheck directly to them, which can strain your relationship with your employer. If your employer doesn’t comply, they could be held responsible for your tax debt. If your wages are being garnished, you need help now—we can arrange a more manageable payment plan with the IRS.

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